Posted by Muhammad Thowil Afif
Update at Senin, 01 Februari 2010
The Age games are very good for learning about history. Age of Empires III probably abstracts history the most of any game in the series, though. The campaign is good as a tool for some learning and entertainment, but the fundamental game featuring various Old World countries fighting it out in the New World is sometimes a little bit over the top compared to reality. That's ok for kids though because they're going to love the competitive and visual aspects of the game. This is a beautiful looking game and it helps make the history compelling. The Home City is a neat way to show the influence of the European nations on this new North American land that was discovered.
The fighting is visceral but not bloody. Bodies are left strewn across the land and there are unnerving shrieks from the women villagers when they get cut down by muskets, but the portrayal of all this is rather classy. Kids that are learning about this era in school will already know a lot of the brutality of the period and might even wonder why the Native Americans aren't taking scalps and the like. The game never crosses any of those unmarked lines that often separate a high teen game from a low one. Age of Empires III can easily be enjoyed by kids ten and up. Just expect things to get a little rougher if you let them play online. What's found in the game is nowhere near as bad as the anonymous jerk three states over in his mom's basement shouting obscenities and verbalizing them through onscreen text at your kid during play.
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